Sunday, July 25, 2010

macy girl...and big brother gavin.

Oh boy, do I love these 2 babies. I love their mom so much...more than almost anyone in this world. They are beautiful little reflections of her and their daddy. Macy is delicious...even when crying. And Gavin...oh Gavin. The most cooperative he's ever been in a photoshoot. I think they're only going to get easier from here. :) Sorry for the overload. They were pretty darn cute!


Kristin said...

yeah, those 2 are pretty darn adorable--happy, sad whatever. These are sweet pictures. Gavin with his hands in his pockets, Macy and her darling cheeks and smile--plus her cute wardrobe changes. mmmm . . . really great pictures of these two kids.

London said...

So so cute! Macy really does have princess eyes.

mj said...

It is so fun to see Gavin. I remember going to see him when he was a wee little one. He is still adorable,and the ones of Macy in the hat should be in some baby magazine or something.

Candy said...

You are fantastic! Talented and otherwise. Macy in her hat with her pointy lip is my new desktop picture. Really makes me smile! Keep up the great work.
Thanks, Candy